By Choice

Helping people discover
their best health
All my years of training and experience have taught me that health is multifaceted and encompasses the physical, energetic and, especially, emotional states of being. Only when you address the root cause of the problem can you achieve long term, sustainable health. I can help.
I'm deeply aware of the body's innate capacity to self heal, provided we identify and remove the blocks to that end.

Monica is trained, qualified and experienced across multiple modalities, with her studies spanning over 25 years. Areas of study include: Naturopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, Bio-energetic Methods (Bicom), Autogenic Reflex Technique, Nutritional Microscopy (Hemaview), Personal Coaching, Microbiome training, Reconnective Healing, Reiki, The Personal Reconnection, Pranic Healing, Modern Psychology, Hypnotherapy, The Hummingbird Method, Avazzia Microcurrent, Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), Functional Pathology, and more.
Monica amalgamates all of her training into a Holistic Wellness Coaching Practice, helping people to investigate and navigate their way back to a level of health and wellbeing that they prefer. Helping to bridge the gap between mainstream medicine and a more natural healing approach, Monica supports people through their journey with regular sessions that are educational, inspiring and motivating.
We know that when it comes to health, the body heals itself , so if something is wrong there is a reason. You want to know what it is, why it happened, and what to do about it. When we work holistically, we are supporting the body to reset, nourish, and heal more efficiently. Bringing healthier lifestyle habits that nourish and support this natural self-healing ability helps, as we identify and remove the obstacles that are preventing it from happening naturally. Emotional, mental, interpersonal and environmental factors are usually at play.
Clinic Toolbox
A variety of investigative methods are employed to gain a clear, holistic picture of your current state of health, shedding light on the most effective way to move you forward efficiently and effectively:

Holistic Nutrition
Without getting too caught up in the macros and micros, we work together to to focus our nutritional lens onto a clean, supportive eating style that can best suits your body's needs at this time.
The power of food as medicine can not be overstated. Knowing what to eat and why helps you align your lifestyle to your healing.

Nutritional Microscopy
A healthier bloodstream improves all aspects of health. Nutritional microscopy helps us understand where you are starting from nutritionally, and what your body is presenting as a priority from a holistic perspective.
This process offers a 'slice of the pie' view of a person's internal state. The blood shows a picture of the last three months of the quality of this essential river of life.

Microcurrent Therapy
Microcurrent therapy is a non-invasive treatment modality that is used to promote healing in the body's physical structures and organs, reducing inflammation, supporting function and alleviating pain.
Used to address a variety of conditions, from musculoskeletal pain, inflammation, wound healing, and neurological disorders, to the regulation and support of improved function overall.

Genetics & Epigenetics
This information can help us to make more informed decisions about lifestyle choices, personalised approaches, and protective healthcare measures, ultimately optimizing our well-being and quality of life.
If you are planning to have a baby, or are battle a disease, or are on a number of pharmaceutical medicines, this information is a must.

Functional Pathology
Using a private functional pathology lab we can look deeper into things with functional testing such as:
Microbiome Mapping
Stool Testing
Allergy Screenings
Hormone Testing
Extensive Thyroid Panel
HOMAR Insulin testing
Cholesterol Subfractions
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Organic Acids
Neurotransmitter Testing

Somatic Body Awareness
This process, unique to the clinic, brings awareness into the body to review for underlying imbalances, such as trauma, trapped emotions, energy imbalances, toxins, pathogens, structural issues, and deficiencies, present in health challenges.
Tuning into the body's intelligence system allows for personal understanding of the drivers of imbalance, to better support the body into renewed flow for healing.