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- TMJ, Jaw tension, clenching, grinding, pain -
Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a gentle and efficient way to address jaw tension and pain,
reaching gently into the structures of the body with low frequency resonance to non-invasively relax the guarding, clenching, tightness and strain. These are the downstream symptoms of an upstream problem. Frequencies allow us to explore the WHY of the issue as we treat the downstream symptom, and then work on the cause.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint of the jaw, it connects the jawbone (mandible) to the skull's temporal bone, and is located just in front of the ears on both sides of the head and is responsible for the opening, closing, and movement of the jaw.
Several muscles are involved in the movement of the TMJ, including the muscles of chewing and those that give strenght and flexiblity to this part of the body (masseter, temporalis, and medial and lateral pterygoid muscles). These muscles work together to allow for various jaw movements, including chewing, talking, and yawning.
The TMJ is a synovial joint, meaning it has a joint capsule filled with synovial fluid that helps lubricate the joint and reduce friction during movement. It also has an articular disc, which is a fibrous cartilage structure that divides the joint into two compartments and helps cushion the joint during movement. The articulation between the mandibular condyle and the temporal bone allows for hinge-like movements such as opening and closing the mouth, as well as sliding and gliding movements, such as protruding and retracting the jaw.
A problem here can impact everything you do as a human - eating, talking, resting, moving, relaxing … being aware of your jaw at all is not normal, it means there is work to do to relax and reset the structures of this very important joint.
TMJ dysfunction can occur as a result of any number of incidents, including:
Trauma or injury to the jaw joint or surrounding structures
Bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching, which can put excessive stress on the TMJ - which is the downstream symptom of chronic stress, tension and holding in the nervous system. Protecting the teeth is important, but addressing the cause of the tension is where the focus needs to be for ANYONE experiencing this.
Arthritis or other degenerative joint diseases affecting the TMJ - but why is arthritis there? Because the msucles are tight and the joint is misaligned - why is that?
Malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth or jaws) - another symptom of an upstream cause. If the msucles are in hyperflexion or hyperextension anywhere in the head and neck, this can happen. It can happen when the teeth are not meeting or there are crowding also - which will affect the teeth and jaw ligaments and the balance of the muscles that keep the joint balanced.
Stress or tension leading to muscle tension or spasms in the jaw muscles - why are you stressed? Stress is usually both physiological and circumstantial - addressing both is important.
Poor posture - be mindful of too much screen time, not enough exercise and outside time
Vestibular injury - a problem between the ear and the brain can have the brain lose track of where you are in time and space and the muscles of the head and neck will tighten in an endeavour to stabilise the head.
Neck issues - tight muscles in the neck can affect the balance of the head and jaw muscles
Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include
jaw pain
clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth, difficulty chewing or biting, headaches, earaches, and facial pain. Treatment for TMJ dysfunction may include pain management, physical therapy, stress reduction techniques, dental interventions (such as splints or orthodontic treatment), and in severe cases, surgery.
Lying on the table, your practitioner will put damp towels on each side of your jaw and clip electrodes to each one, then specific frequencies are run for each of the tissues involved. The way the tension releases gives us a lot of information about what is holding it in place. For instance, if a person has a vestibular injury (disruption in the balance centre of the ear), the body will splint the muscles to stabilise the head, and the only frequencies that will release the muscles if this is the cause, are the Vestibular frequencies. Same goes for the cervical spine, and the nervous system.
Through the frequencies, body guides us to the factors at play in the problem; it is a process of discovery that we embark on together, and come away more insightful than before by the responses of the body to the frequencies. It is the most rewarding and fascinating work, that's for sure.